A Few Things You Need To Know About Cavities

It’s no secret that cavities are no fun. They can be painful, unsightly, and costly. Still, as common as they are, many Indiana residents view cavities with an aura of mystery. How do they form? Why don’t they go away on their own? And just how can they be prevented? If you have questions about cavities and other oral health issues, we want to help you navigate them! You can always call us with concerns or discuss them at your next regular checkup. In the meantime, here are a few things we want you to know about cavities and your risk of developing them.

Detecting Them Can Be Tricky

Many of the patients that I speak with are confident that when they have a cavity they will know it. We often associate cavities with aches that occur when we bite down or consume something that’s hot or cold. Although pain is one common indicator that cavities have occurred, we won’t always feel them. Some can be quite sneaky, with individuals confusing them for sensitivity or emerging wisdom teeth. Sometimes, our teeth only hurt occasionally, allowing us to forget about our concerns when everything feels fine. And sometimes they don’t hurt at all! That’s why it’s important to have regular screenings and cleaning where a professional can evaluate your mouth for damage.

Ignoring Them Can Make Things Worse

We get it. No one likes hearing the words, “you have a cavity.” Still, putting off treatment and avoiding the dentist can only make your situation worse. If a tooth goes untreated for long enough, your only option might be to have it removed completely. If we catch it in time, we can remove the cavity and fill it to avoid losing your natural tooth in its entirety. Furthermore, if you are experiencing pain with your cavity, treating it sooner rather than later can help you avoid unnecessary hurting and give you the relief you desperately want.

They Are Preventable

It may seem like cavities or just another part of life, but there are things you can do to prevent them up from occurring at all. First, be mindful of what you put in your mouth. Avoid sticky treats, sugary beverages, and acidic food and beverages. If you consume any of these items, be sure to clean your teeth after. In fact, it’s important to keep up with a regular routine of brushing, flossing, and other dental maintenance, even when you’re traveling or otherwise busy. If it helps, set a reminder in your phone to go off when it’s time to clean, and help your children remember to do the same. Finally, set up regular appointments to have your mouth evaluated for any signs of concern. Our advanced cleaning tools help prevent cavities from forming, while X-ray machines and out trained technicians can spot anything that’s already forming.

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